Friday, February 26, 2010

More lessons, one on germs

Back again, this time after brain surgery! These past two years really haven't been kind to me. But I'm all right now.

It's time to be kind to myself so I've started going back to the swimming pool. I often see this elderly lady there, she's quite a character, sings Nessun Dorma in the shower. This time she started talking to me because I wasn't wearing flip-flops or swimming shoes (I got a good old rant about athlete's foot). Then she decided to tell me a hygiene-related joke.

The punch line made me visualize a man using sugar tongs in the men's room and it was actually really funny, I laughed aloud with her.

What a funny lady, and Helsinki is such a funny city sometimes. And I feel like I'm getting to experience everything for the first time - only this time with experience.