Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy 2008!

These quizzes are rampant in all the weblogs and they are not my idea of ambitious blogging. However, a stomach bug has changed my plans for tonight so I'll let this meme reflect the uttermost boredom of my New Year's Eve.

1. What did you do in 2007 that you had never done before?
I asked a man's opinion about a piece of furniture (the new sofa).

2. Did you keep your New Year's resolution, and will you make more for 2008?
My resolution was not to subscribe to women's magazines, and I kept it. Next year I'll try to save electricity and keep more in touch with my friends.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Hello, I'm 33 years old?! Just ask me how many.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Not really really close, but my father's godmother died. She didn't have children of her own and she was quite close to my family, especially when us "kids" were small.

5. Which countries did you visit?
Sweden, Spain (Tenerife), Indonesia, Singapore.

6. What would you like to have in 2008 that you didn't have in 2007?
I would like Mapenzi* to move in with me.

7. Are there any dates from the year 2007 that you will always remember and why?
At least a couple of wedding dates: 5.5. and 4.8. People very close to me got married and those dates meant a lot to me. The birthday of my godson, 31.10.

8. What was your greatest accomplishment this year?
I managed to pay off half of my extra taxes!

9. Your greatest failure?
I screwed up my tax planning... or is that year 2006? I failed to be there for a friend whose life changed radically. Our relationship will never be the same again.

10. Did you suffer from any illnesses or injuries?
Luckily, no.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
My dress for Sarah's wedding! By far!

12. Whose behaviour made you laugh?
Simba's and Nala's. Every day.

13. Whose behaviour depressed you?
Nobody depressed me, but there are a few people whose behaviour does my head in.

14. Where did the most of your money go?
To my flat. Too much money went into eating out, I've had to cut back since the extra taxes and I've realised how much I've spent there.

15. Were you really, really excited about something?
In the beginning of the year, I was really excited about my new job. That always fades away. :) I'm also always very excited to see Mapenzi. That doesn't seem to change.

16. What song will always remind you of the year 2007?
I can't believe this is the only song I can name but it has to be "Aamuaurinkoon" or something by Katri Ylander. I borrowed a car from Mom for the summer, and when you drive all over Finland, Radio Nova is the only one you can hear no matter where you are. They played that song at least once in an hour.

17. Compared to last year, are you
a) happier or more sad?
I don't know! I guess just as happy.

b) skinnier or fatter?
About the same (damn).

c)richer or poorer?
My income is about the same, but now it comes from a permanent job, with perks, so I'll have to say richer.

18. Is there something you wish you would have done more?
I should have spent more time with some important children in my life.

19. Is there something you wish you would have done less?
Bitched about coworkers behind their backs.

20. How did you celebrate Christmas?
Just me and Mapenzi on Christmas Eve, then on Christmas day I saw my sister and brother and their spouses. We also celebrated my sister's getting engaged.

21. Did you fall in love in 2007?
Over and over again, with the same guy.

22. How many one night stands?
Obviously none!

23. What was your favourite tv show?
Grey's Anatomy.

24. Do you now hate anybody you didn't hate last year?
I don't think I've actually ever hated anyone. Except Thomas when he kicked me out from his flat in Dresden in 1998, but that, too, passed.

25. What was the best book you read?
I didn't read that much this year... La sombra del viento by Carlos Ruiz Zafón was well written. I also liked What I loved by Siri Hustvedt, but it couldn't hold up to the promises it made in the beginning.

26. What was your biggest musical find?
I'm so out of this scene these days. I don't even think I bought one cd. I'll have to say my biggest musical find was to take my mp3 player with me when I go jogging, because I'd never jogged before!

27. What did you want and got?
I was hoping to get to rent a summer cottage sponsored by my trade union, and I did! (They do a draw.)

28. What did you want but didn't get?
Well, some advances in my relationship would have been welcomed...

29. What was your favourite movie this year?
I didn't see so many movies. The Simpson's movie comes to mind.

30. What did you do for your birthday and how old were you?
This is how you know you're old! I don't remember what I did! But I'm 33 years old.

31. Name a single thing that would have made your year significantly more satisfying?
A win in the lottery (should probably start playing). Money is the only thing we argue about with Mapenzi.

32. How would you describe your style in 2007?
Casual, but increasingly feminine, thanks to weight loss. :)

33. What kept you sane?
If I'm sane, it's thanks to my love, who's always down to earth and full of one-liners with great wisdom!

34. What political issue caught most of your attention?
Many! The parliamentary elections of course, then the nurses' fight for a better salary, to mention a few.

35. Whom did you miss?
A lot of friends who live abroad.

36. Who was the best new person you met?
"The best" is a weird characterisation, but I really enjoyed meeting some new people through my work. I'll have to say Sirpa Save from the Wood Workers' union!

*my love in Swahili

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