Monday, March 23, 2009

Trick me once

I don't know why I stopped writing the blog. Maybe I've been so sad that a blog that's based on everyday serendipities was not possible to maintain. Now I'm starting to emerge from the sadness for the enjoyment of all you three readers. :)

What happened? Why don't I explain it through the conversation I had with my 5-year-old godson Leevi last summer. He asked me to play with him and I just don't do play (except with my own toys, but they are rated R) and a week had passed of the bad news so I was quite exhausted.

A: Sorry sweetie, I'm so tired that I think I'll just stay here in the kitchen and talk to your mommy for a bit.
L: We know already!
A: What do you know?
L: That Ben tricked you that he was your friend.
A: Well yes, that's what happened, you seem to know very well.
L: Did he have another friend?
A: Yes, he kind of had two friends at the same time but now he has no friend at all.
L: That's so stupid.

I was stupid, too, but I have learned a lot during this year.

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